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Welcome to Cruelty-Free

LavendarSpells was created in 2018 after our owner's loss of her beloved aunt to Cancer. She started to explore the use of cruelty-free skin care products that would limit the usage of harsh chemicals. This is where the development of the LavendarSpells fragrance came about. The LavendarSpells original scent fragrance is packaged in a 10ml rollerball; that holds a floral and gardenia scent that is expansive.  After developing this product, we grew a two-year partnership with a woman owned shop that sold curated small business products. This was the brand's first collaboration. The brand grew into its lifestyle affiliation by partnering in local school systems in Takoma Park for influencing student to pursue entrepreneurship. 


In continued years, we have partnered with Busboys and Poets during their holiday rollout of featured small business brands. LavendarSpells loves to create partnerships with women-owned and minority brands that cultivate the need for inclusivity. Long Beach has also welcomed our brand as a feature for their Fourth Street Art Fair for local vendors.

to Beauty & Lifestyle

Here you will find organic and cruelty free skin care which include: oil based fragrances, glow oils and serums that help with brightening the skin. We also offer beautiful jewelry pieces that are curated by our owner.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Instagram : @hellolavendarspells @black_girl_minimalism_

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