Kamilah Reddock
Phone: 301.806.4750
Address: Washington, DC
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Date of Birth: 10/12
March 14th, 1984
A Bit About Me
Kamilah has extended her title and role of a professional of now an Artist. Kamilah has excelled in her professional training and development with receiving a Masters degree from Bowie State University in Organizational Communications. This is where her thesis study began with the interest of how Black Women identify themselves in the diaspora living. Womanism became her unique study while developing comparison factors of the feminist movement. Kamilah was always intrigued for empowering change through research and past history.
Kamilah's professional history has included areas of local and federal government. She is governed by academics and family law exposure. This was her focus in her time working with DC Superior Court. She also worked part time with a Family Law Attorney who she identified as a mentor. This mentor-ship empowered her further development in building her e-commerce business. Her full time work encompasses and understanding of our US government support as well. She is a pillar of youthful knowledge in many areas and continues to grow.
Work Experience
November 2019 - Current
Oct 2017-September 2019
June 2015- October 2017
NAVSEA Executive Assistant/ Supply Analyst
Special Operations/ Project Manager
DC Superior Court
Family Services Coordinator